Dear G Baby
Even as you smile reading my post's salutaion(reading your name ) i must warn you, i am angry..but we will get to that later.
So its been 4 years since we have met and nothing has changed since our first meeting. You dint remember my favorite color back then and the best reminder of my favorite colour is the euphoria i had on seeing our baby has to be pink !!
When we first met, you seemed like the one to armor a fork and knife at restaurants with absolute ease, while i would lick my fingers off the mayonnaise while having that large burger. And today you make the best stuffed Spanish omelet and let me lick off the cheese on my plate at peace.
The day we met, i sat shy and quiet and waited for you to start the conversation and you remained quiet for the remaining 20 minutes we had that tea. And i remember last week our conversation on how our guests would be bored if i dont keep "entertaining subjects of conversation". If i left you to host guests they would probably be watching ESPN and having scrambled eggs and bread toasts !!!!
Do you remember how I made the first move and sent you the text checking if you had returned to Pune, it took me a lot of guts, 4 attempts at typing the perfect text msg and 6 minutes of consideration, if i should send this text or not.Of course i was listening to some shady hindi song that made me "feel i am in love" which helped promote your cause. Today you are the one who gets sudden "i love you" texts and "thanks for the awesome weekend" reminders on your cell phone. Like your reply back then which was a one liner , you are pretty consistent with that now.
The outfit i had worn that evening, is my inspiration to loose weight everytime it gets a little "uncomfortable" when i wear it. I loved the look in your eyes across the table as I sat in my "new dress" that evening , of course it remained just in your eyes and i never got any documented proof of that. Do you remember what i told you in my msg last evening about how random woman complimented me in a pretty dress and you..well you were too busy styling your hair to notice what i wore. of course your reply to my text was classic...a one liner with a smiley.
Our first date was chai and then i remember hunting your social network page and finding out your love for education and "Teachers". So very obvious our first dinner out after marriage I initiated "what would you order to drink" As you silently thanked your stars and ordered that drink i sipped on my ice tea. So today when you order your drink my ice tea is ordered by you and i smile and thank my stars silently too.
I remember telling you a few days after we first met about how i slipped and fell from the stairs. I was surprised you asked me about my back everyday while i traveled to office and got back home.Of course you thought it was completely irrelevant to mention this to your mom.And today when i have my nostrils blocked and chapped lips, you make the most soulful omelet and tea for me.And this time we purposely hide it from both sets of parents to save them the worry.
I know you love the way i take time to dress up when we go out, I see the pride in your eyes when we are together, i feel the love in your touch when you nurse my feverish body, i see a man who has given the most beautiful part of me, our daughter, i know this all and i know you love me more than you cherish anything in this world. And as long as you wake up next to me everyday i am not afraid of any night, no matter how long or dark it will be.
And i know the best kisses we share are the ones that come all of a sudden, when you are busy typing a mail , or putting babe to sleep or just waiting patiently at the traffic signal. Is'nt that what love is all about, not about what will happen but how we are making our story now.
Baby this is the part where our story has just begun, where we have brought our pages together and we have a little pink heart beating for both of us. A little heart that has given us our most beautiful names as ma and Baba.

And there when i saw you for the first time my soul kind of whispered "here you are, i have been looking for you for a while now "
PS: The dinner at Pasha is now to be your treat
Even as you smile reading my post's salutaion(reading your name ) i must warn you, i am angry..but we will get to that later.
So its been 4 years since we have met and nothing has changed since our first meeting. You dint remember my favorite color back then and the best reminder of my favorite colour is the euphoria i had on seeing our baby has to be pink !!
When we first met, you seemed like the one to armor a fork and knife at restaurants with absolute ease, while i would lick my fingers off the mayonnaise while having that large burger. And today you make the best stuffed Spanish omelet and let me lick off the cheese on my plate at peace.
The day we met, i sat shy and quiet and waited for you to start the conversation and you remained quiet for the remaining 20 minutes we had that tea. And i remember last week our conversation on how our guests would be bored if i dont keep "entertaining subjects of conversation". If i left you to host guests they would probably be watching ESPN and having scrambled eggs and bread toasts !!!!
Do you remember how I made the first move and sent you the text checking if you had returned to Pune, it took me a lot of guts, 4 attempts at typing the perfect text msg and 6 minutes of consideration, if i should send this text or not.Of course i was listening to some shady hindi song that made me "feel i am in love" which helped promote your cause. Today you are the one who gets sudden "i love you" texts and "thanks for the awesome weekend" reminders on your cell phone. Like your reply back then which was a one liner , you are pretty consistent with that now.
The outfit i had worn that evening, is my inspiration to loose weight everytime it gets a little "uncomfortable" when i wear it. I loved the look in your eyes across the table as I sat in my "new dress" that evening , of course it remained just in your eyes and i never got any documented proof of that. Do you remember what i told you in my msg last evening about how random woman complimented me in a pretty dress and you..well you were too busy styling your hair to notice what i wore. of course your reply to my text was classic...a one liner with a smiley.
Our first date was chai and then i remember hunting your social network page and finding out your love for education and "Teachers". So very obvious our first dinner out after marriage I initiated "what would you order to drink" As you silently thanked your stars and ordered that drink i sipped on my ice tea. So today when you order your drink my ice tea is ordered by you and i smile and thank my stars silently too.
I remember telling you a few days after we first met about how i slipped and fell from the stairs. I was surprised you asked me about my back everyday while i traveled to office and got back home.Of course you thought it was completely irrelevant to mention this to your mom.And today when i have my nostrils blocked and chapped lips, you make the most soulful omelet and tea for me.And this time we purposely hide it from both sets of parents to save them the worry.
I know you love the way i take time to dress up when we go out, I see the pride in your eyes when we are together, i feel the love in your touch when you nurse my feverish body, i see a man who has given the most beautiful part of me, our daughter, i know this all and i know you love me more than you cherish anything in this world. And as long as you wake up next to me everyday i am not afraid of any night, no matter how long or dark it will be.
And i know the best kisses we share are the ones that come all of a sudden, when you are busy typing a mail , or putting babe to sleep or just waiting patiently at the traffic signal. Is'nt that what love is all about, not about what will happen but how we are making our story now.
Baby this is the part where our story has just begun, where we have brought our pages together and we have a little pink heart beating for both of us. A little heart that has given us our most beautiful names as ma and Baba.

And there when i saw you for the first time my soul kind of whispered "here you are, i have been looking for you for a while now "
PS: The dinner at Pasha is now to be your treat
:) . Such a romantic post :) . For some time i missed by fav couple of blogosphere and it was worth a wait as they have been blessed with a lil bundle of joy :)and now i am loving to read about the three of you . God bless you!
Awwwww......loved reading this! Congratulations for the li'l share a snaps soon! :)
And thank you so much for all those lovely guys keep me going! I'm so flattered! :))
soooo cute!!!!!
Awwwww :)
This is really sweet and cute and so love filled!
Reminds me of my guy. He stays in Pune too!
Congratulations on the 4 years!
Take care
PLEASE send me a ticket to Pune? Posts like these make me stand on my toes and leap out for a huuuuuuge hug to you two sweethearts!
Sigh. I can do nothing better than tell you that I love you guys and may you stay blessed...
But please, a ticket to pune will help too : )
Baby, you don't need any documented proof-love is in the air you breathe and in everything he does!
And you bring fairy tales alive with your posts Little Cinderella!
Prince Charming ko bolna to keep doing what he does to keep the world's faith alive in romance through you:-)
How sweet! :) *touchwood* ... Your life is what movies aspire to be! :D
♡ from ©
Congratulations!! A big AWWW.
Missing Amsie Blog
You know the idea of arranged marriages seemed bit weird to me but that's what our parents usually prefer.I've been following your blog from starting n your posts make me realize that its the way you carry relationship matters and nourishes the love each and every moment,not the fact that for how long you've been with the person before deciding you're ready to spend whole life with him.I'm just 20 anyway,there's lot of time for that haha :D
A sweet post..
Heylo.. Stumbled here from Thousif's blog.. :)
& dropping a comment to *SAME PINCH* you for the number of followers!!! :)
Will try to catch up with your blog.
Happy Blogging! :)
If this is how arrange marriages turn out to be....then fuck love marriages :P
And super awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww for this post....i wanna come running to pune and hug the most awesome couple i know and cuddle cuddle my pink sunshine :D :D
I wonder when will i meet that someone seeing whom i cd say ahhh he is the one :P ( or maybe i am too old now to even find one....sigh)
May God bless you guys forever and u alll sooo much XOXO :D
Glad to see you on my blog after long time..I've posted 2nd part of the story..hope u like it too :)
awwwww...such a sweet one..luvlyy..!
Read 2 posts. May God bless you all with happiness always. She seems to be asking you "what are you upto?" Both posts show depth of emotions.
Take care
I need to take tutorial from you, I too am meeting a lot of people these days (read my latest post) but not sure when I will meet THE ONE
Sulagna, thank you so much for dropping by my space today.glad to have found your blog too.I had wonderful time reading some of stories.will catch up on the rest soon:)
How sweet.. Love and the memories it carries with it :) Smiled all the way through the post :)
how post:)
the post was loved is an understatement
Just wanted to tell you... you just managed to bring a part of me alive.. Thank you so much!
Hi sulagna di,
as usual khub sundor laglo pore.
r ms mini mukherjee kemn ache??
anyway ekta help chai...
amr best frnd in ofic is getting married.mane best oficer lokjonder to invite kore ekta mail korte hoy..ota lekhar responsibility amay diyeche.....pls pls tumi likhe dao plsss....bes bhalo kichu ekta tomar lekha gulor moto sweet and also a bit formal plsss amr id joto tatari paro dio
Thank you so much for your comment :)
Hope to see you again :)
And as long as you wake up next to me everyday i am not afraid of any night, no matter how long or dark it will be.
U are good at one liners!!
Congratulations for the lil angel and 4 years!!
Awesome post!!
Bless you both.
How do u manage to write with such romance yet such simplicity? Any secret to that?
a really sweet post :)
What a beautiful post!
Lovely...u make me feel the love whenever i read ur posts. Keep loving and its wonderful to see couples like u 2 around.
You are full of life and it shows up in your posts. What a hearty piece of writing on some genuine reflections!
Sounds interesting, might have to take you up on that some other time.
supporting your blog! Looking forward to future updates!
From Computer Addict
Such a lovely post! I am just so proud that we the people in arranged marriages are just amazing!!
God Bless ya both and of course the Pink :)
OMG anddddd you are backkkkkk...Loved this post!!! Missed these real-life 'movie' moments...God bless you both and the little one :) Happy anniversary :)
God bless you both..this was such an awwww post..loved it.
Sulagna, thank you so much for dropping by my space today.glad to have found your blog too.I had wonderful time reading some of stories.will catch up on the rest soon:)
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