So people
have already started asking me questions about how do I feel about hitting
three –oh . and honestly my answer is same as it was 10 years back..super !
I fail to
understand why 30 is looked at with such dread and depression, its just another
number right ? no ? ok here me out while I give you my reasons to be
super happy about thirty.
When I
was 16 I wanted to marry Sherlock Holmes and live in a farmhouse, cook green
peas soup for my children and feed my black Labrador. I am pretty close to the
cooking of the green peas and the child, however G got luckier than Mr Holmes
and the Labrador is a “to do list” nominee though
At 14 I
knew I wanted to be a neurosurgeon because this was one word that sounded as
cool as astronaut. I had no clue this dealt with any form of chemistry or
biology so I am very happy today with my Masters in business studies.
have never been the kinds who was ruled by her age, never. I asked my father
about a contaception when I was 9 years old(i read or saw some ad i guess ), I was found reading Sidney Sheldon at
11, I was contemplating to run from my house at 16, I was wearing shorts and
slippers to the local market at 16, while my friends would be preening in their
finery, I roamed with one unplucked eyebrow when I was 17 since it was too
painful, waxing was an alien concept till 3 days before my marriage and till
date I like blowing bubbles inside my Pepsi bottle with a straw when we go out
to eat.
When I
look at my childhood pictures, I don’t know whether I should blame the camera,
or the lights in the picture, but yes I was a very abnormal looking child, add
to it short hair, a toy gun on my shoulder and roaming inside the drains of the
30 years later, some facials later, a nicer self made
wardrobe later, I love what I see when I look into the mirror. No crows feet,
but lots of laughter lines, no extra tyres but lots of memories of the
beautiful meals I have had as a family, no split ends but a healthy head full
of happy and postive thoughts, not XL size clothes but knowing that this body
has way too much awesomeness to be determined by size zero or 2.
Being a woman is a blessing and i never have i wondered why
me. its about recognizing what you want today, accepting you are here and make
the most of it..about being a woman..embracing this with my soul. Getting here
has taught me that its not about the way one looks or appears, it how you think
of yourself to be. Stand up for your believes, and if the world laughs at
your dreams, pity them.But dont stop dreaming. Its about believing in
Him that He has plans for will all be perfect 5 years from now,just
dont loose faith.
Being thirty is the greatest reminder for me to be thankful
to God for what I have achieved and what I have been blessed with. I have been
blessed with the most loving family I could ask for but I have achieved to keep
a family together, I have been blessed with a beautiful face and mind but I
have achieved a happy lifestyle that does not let alchohol or junk food abuse
it. I have been blessed with a thoughtfull educated family but I have strived
hard to earn my degree. God has been kind enough to give me some really crazy
fun loving friends, but I have got over my ego and false pride to nurture
friendship. And lastly I know God had kept G safely tucked away for me for so
many years but the minute I saw him, I knew this is the reason I never walked
on a beach, I was meant to take my first walk on the beach holding his hand. I
did ! and today with our little baby…I will miss my Vodka shots though !

What can I say…30 is what you make of it ! so go ahead,
live life with atleast 3 big secrets that you take to your grave,
boast of that one time you got so drunk you have no clue what happened, make it
a habbit to slow down your car when you see an delderly person or kid try to
cross the road, learn to wait in queque, look and feel gorgeous in a saree and
in a pair of old shorts ,send your mom the brightest red roses on her birthday,
kiss the man and make up no matter how bad the fight is but never agree to what
you don’t believe in, save enough money to buy that perfect leather bag and
black heels, keep a black lace set in handy for weekends after the drinks, send
out that message to your best friend right now and tell her/him that he is a
totally the best,keep a set of clothes ready to pack and leave on a sudden
vacation, the perfect mug for the mornng cuppa, have atleast one past admirer
who still is one, get up on the table and dance, smile everytime you drop the
toilet roll on the wet bathroom floor, question authority if it seems unfair,
dont worry about the few notes in your wallet, count your blessings
It is just a number, you will rock it allways ..i know I will
Happy 30 Sulagna
Happy Birthday to you Sulagna. Age is only a number. In this post, I came to know, I think, a few things about your past. At 16, wearing shorts and slippers! That is cool. I love it.
I know you are a vodka person. Please visit the SF Bay Area soon. Cannot afford Diva Vodka yet (did not say never) (Price $1,060,000 a bottle). Can afford Stolichnaya Premium Vodka. Come on down to San Francisco Bay Area soon and celebrate your birthday in style.
To each his own I know and I might as well mind my own business and not come to your blog, but dude srsly! You need to come down a bit. Modesty doesnt come to you naturally darling, and you don't make any bones about it either. To add to that you have an adorable kid, but could get some air off that pretty head of yours. It sucks big time!
the 30's are the best ! ask me. i know :))
Do stop by my blog sometime :)
yes please go on..i am taking notes very seriously on what you have to really do matter in my life ?? right ??
and oh thank you so much for the just adds to my absolute fabulousness..
is'nt life always so easy being anonymous ..
SG and Ash thank you so i just is all about making merry while the sun shines :)
lets not mind a few rotten lemons here n there :)
wish you a very happy 30! Wish you love laughter and lots and loads of love :P!!
BTW this post of yours just came in a nick of time for me and really after reading this i am feeling good. It's kinda a self help post for me :) thanks for sharing !!
Happy Happy birthday to a fellow cancerian :-) :-)
wow and what a total out and out postitive post. So many reasons to celebrate this day. Actually bhai birthday hain, age ko leke dukhi kyun ho bhai. Age is just a number. Period :-)
Also, I particulary enjoyed this sentence:
'not XL size clothes but knowing that this body has way too much awesomeness to be determined by size zero or 2.'
Excellent new way to look at things. Atleaset I never saw it this way :-)
Happy Birthday in advance. They say - Women get flirty at 3 O 30. LOL. On serious note, one is as old as one thinks. Live life as per own conscience and that will take care of everything.
Take care
I'm linking this post to my next update post, THAT's HOW AMAZING this was to read! I do not know HOW you manage to point out the petty, common things of life we pretty much forget in seconds.. MAN, this made me look forward to getting beyond 18!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to this hell of a terrific lady. I love you so much, and may you never ever EVER change. EVER.
-Chotu from Delhi. :)
Happy Birthday to u...And i being 8 years ahead your time can just say one thing that age is just a number...I am 22 and someday I will be 30 as well and hopefully take the merriment in the same stride as you....Cheers!!
yes.. Happy 30...
stay happy n blessed and you seem to know how to stay so :)
Happy Birthday! And really well put ( I have no idea what anonymous read that makes you sound high and mighty *confused look on my face, scratching my head and thinking did I not read this post correctly*).
Love, love this line:
knowing that this body has way too much awesomeness to be determined by size zero or 2.
Wishing you a very happy three O !! Keep up your 'spirits' as always and enjoy every moment as you do :) You come across as a person with clarity in thought and confidence in action - Stay that way and you'll never want for anything. Happy B'Day once again.
Sulu, this is your best yet :) here's to the next 30, hottie!
6 months into my 30's and I can say they have been the best months yet! :)
Wish you loads and loads of love and happiness. I am sure you had a fantastic day.
∞ © ∞
God! woman, where do you get this positivity from?!! i would be damn well of if i had quarter of it.
and yes, happy birthday to you. stay happy. stay crazy. stay wonderful.
Happy turning 30 to you :)
Reading about your earlier days, it's like the way I am now!
I love blowing bubbles with a straw while drinking pepsi :P
Wow, you sure do rock Su. And when you spell out all the things you do and how well you do them-I look at you with a whole lot of admiration and a twinge of envy. Wish I was half as good n organized as you are :-)
With an attitude like yours-age surely is a number and you have really just begun...wishing you the loveliest of journeys gliding through the thirties and beyond with smooth sails :-)
Loads of love n hugs
I am so glad to see u blogging more :D hope I can blog more now on :D And 30's or 20's or even 50's you will forever rock my Patakha :-* So bottoms up to it :D
And I love you hell too much :D
This was such a lovable post and if you have the same outlook towards life, 30 years later you will not feel very different from what you feel now. Age is just a number the rest is in the heart and mind:)Happy counting 3......
It is all in the mind I suppose.
Like they say, you are as old as you think you are.
Awed!! what a wonderful way to project what you call "age"..reading your posts after an year still makes me feel the same i felt i read last time,superb,amazing and wonderful.. You do magic..:)
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